Usual Price $990. Now Only $499 SGD
Ryan Poon, Transport & Mover
This database has generated a constant flow of referrals for our home mover services. I am very satisfied with the results.
Lawrence Chia, Automotive Garage
Our car garage has seen a growth of 54% in revenue within 2 months after performing a SMS campaign using this database.
Shirley Lim, MLM Recruitment
I am responsible for our MLM recruitment drive and i am pleased to say the attendees for our previous seminar were mainly property agents.
Dennis, Property Agent
I am able to achieve a double-growth in my co-broking model by doing email marketing on a weekly basis.
Fardis, Travel Agency
Our Asean booking trips increase by almost 2 folds by running a SMS campaign using SAPDB database.
Max Tan, Continental Car Dealer
Our company did a referral program for our continental car sales and the referrals from property agents were amazing. Agents do have a huge contact lists for referral programs.